"Nothin to say here folks." Why AI "Art" seems creepy.

1. It is creepy.

2.It isn't art if it's not made to speak or be discussed or made with whatever 5 words popped into the users mind.

The short version goes likes this, and was written by me; as an experiment I will include a Google AI Prompted Version at the end of this post.

 Even though AI image generation uses hundreds of thousands or even millions of images to learn how to represent us visually, it fails on its own. The very heart of those AI's came from a human need to sort large amounts of similar data and enforce symmetry as an esthetic goal.

Human forms' are not symmetrical at all. Our faces, hands and limbs for the most part, are compatible ;compatible but not symmetrical. In the image below there is no language, only alien symbolic representations of everything from logos to products. The only reason "Walmart" and its logo are clear and present is because the creator of this image put them there. There are many ways to see the hand of the human within the image made by the AI and both of the are related to Symmetry.

AI images and written words are just to much and not really high on the list of priorities for an imager AI. We have and use thousands of different fonts for hundreds of languages which in turn have entirely incompatible alphabet character. Once again like this image, the hand of the user and their creativity or sense of humor or horror was required.

Prompt based AI can only take you so far, what it needs is you to be used right. No matter how good you think you are at prompting, it will never be as good as if you actively take part in the creation process of this tool.

Pictures like the one above are akin to the first images drawn by a 6 month old baby just before it eats the crayon. Those who have thought to use it for professional workflow,(as well as the future users trying to avoid effort) they have in some cases destroyed their business and lost any respect within their career coworkers for gross laziness. When use of prompted AI output is detected it is a tragic embarrassment. The content was created as real work, and intended to be viewed by other professionals and experienced humans. This ends with headlines and news stories straight out of  Scooby Doo; JUDGE LOOKS AT THE DEFENCE FILE SUMMARY AND FINDS AI LEGAL JARGON NIGHTMARE.    The mask comes off like the ending of every single episode; the culprit is someone who doesn't want to do their job, and thought no one would notice. 

If you want to create with AI, just understand it is a tool and it can do and be all kinds of tools, but without you nothing of true value to you or the world will come from it.

Like using a flamethrower for Crème Brule, the job will get done in a flash and with little effort on the users part, that custard is going to be fucked though.

Begin AI prompted creation of this blog post after this line.

"create a blog entry about Why AI prompt creation is so creepy to humans."

Added nuanced direction instructions, article it had made was to dumb to repost.
"More technical and focus on AI struggling with symmetry in an asymmetrical world."

Output made with Gemini AI:

"The Imperfect Mirror: Why AI Struggles with Symmetry in Our Messy World

Imagine training an AI on a diet of perfectly symmetrical butterflies and snowflakes. It would learn to identify and recreate these patterns flawlessly, right? Now, throw in a crumpled piece of paper, a lopsided tree, or a human face – all gloriously asymmetrical. Suddenly, the AI's grasp on reality gets a bit… shaky.

Here's why AI can struggle with the beautiful messiness of our world:

Data Bias: AI learns from data, and the data we provide is often skewed towards the symmetrical. Datasets of faces, for example, might be filtered to remove blemishes and imperfections, creating a distorted view of human asymmetry.

The Curse of Dimensionality: Symmetry exists on a single axis, a perfect balance between left and right, top and bottom. The real world, however, is a chaotic symphony of asymmetry in multiple dimensions. Capturing this complexity with limited data points is a major challenge for AI algorithms.

The Search for Order in Chaos: AI excels at finding patterns. When faced with asymmetry, it might try to force order where there is none. Imagine an AI tasked with generating an image of a "forest." It might default to a symmetrical arrangement of trees, simply because that's what its training data suggests a forest "should" look like.

Lost in Translation: Many AI image generation models rely on convolutional neural networks (CNNs). CNNs are fantastic at identifying edges and shapes, but they struggle with the nuanced understanding of context and perspective that humans take for granted. This can lead to AI-generated images with a jarring lack of natural asymmetry, even when the prompt specifically calls for it.

However, it's not all doom and gloom! Researchers are actively developing techniques to improve AI's ability to handle asymmetry. One approach involves training on datasets that specifically capture the real-world messiness. Another involves modifying CNN architectures to better understand context and perspective.

As AI continues to evolve, it will hopefully learn to embrace the asymmetry that defines our world. After all, a perfectly symmetrical forest might be beautiful… but it wouldn't be very interesting, would it?"

I agree with almost all of it, but there is an undertone of passive manipulation of the reader in the subtle statements that plea for the user to understand it is still learning. And I think it reads like a Timeshare  brochure.


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